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Marie Reynalde Lambert André. Born in Port au Prince on September 25, 1991, the daughter of Reynald Lambert and Élisabeth Payen, the eldest of a family of three children, two girls and one boy. Nicknamed Reyn, I've always been my father's favorite, which caused a slight tension in the family. Alumni of the Collège Saint François d'Assise, Promotion 1996-2008, then of the Institut Mixte Père de Monfort and the Collège Classique d'Haïti. I always aspired to be a diplomat, but life decided otherwise. From the age of 11 I discovered my talent for writing. Married to Donald Alboth André since 2011, Also father of my children. I chose to do Law Studies, arrived in the 3rd year I had to give up when I fell pregnant with my first child: Oliver and later my daughter Annie. Full-time wife and mother, I held the position of executive assistant and trainer at FAES for 5 years, executive secretary at SEMANAH (4 years). I represented Haiti at the OAS as part of a Cyber ​​Security Training in 2017. As for the cinema, I had a role in the series ensemble contre le monde in 2020..